

NSKN’s Praetor boardgame tasks players with building a roman city and fulfilling Caesar's requests to construct monuments, temples and public works. The goal for this project was to compliment the existing concept art with graphic design and also bring focus to areas that the player would need to pay attention to.

City Tile

The roman city is built by laying city tiles down and connecting them on any four sides. The frame, icons and corners were designed by me. Players earn extra victory points if they lay down city tiles with "platz" corners matching colors.


Below are icons for victory points, currency, different stages of workers and resources. Marble, wood, stone and iron resources were intentionally designed (and client requested) as cubes. The main reason is game comes packaged with matching colored wood cube tokens.

Player Mat

Besides being incorrectly sized to fit actual dice and tokens, the client's original prototype (top) made worker progression, the green/red squares, appear more involved than it was. After discussion with the client the premise was distilled down. Active workers shift left-to-right as they progress and when the track is completely filled they "retire" moving down.


Alchemist Invasion Concept


Starship Merchants